
frequently asked questions

Do you deliver worldwide

Of course! We accept orders from almost every country around the globe, and work with the best shipping partners to insure that your goods arrive quickly and safely to your doorstep.

I ordered the wrong size - can i exchange it?

Uh-oh.. But fear not! We'd be happy to exchange your order for another size within 30 days of purchasing. Just be sure that you didn't wear it so that it's still brand new for the next lovely person who wants to join the club. You will be responsible for shipping the goods back to us however, because well... You're the one who didn't know your own size.

Where do i ship my return or exchange item to?

For returns, please email us at DM on instagram or twitter.

Can i model for you?

Idk, can you? Send us your picture along with a link to your Instagram. We're always looking for new friends.

I've waited to long and it has sold out! Will it ever by restocked?

Don't ya just hate it when that happens? Sometimes we restock styles and sometimes we don't, so there's no real way to answer that until the time comes. Sorry if that's not the answer you were looking for... The best way to find out though is to sign up for our email newsletters and stay tuned in to all our upcoming releases.

I'm famous on the internet! Can I have free stuff?

If you have to ask, you already know the answer. But in all honesty, just drop us a line, say hello, and be kind. Crazier things have happened in the world.

I don't know what size to get

Well, that's not technically a question, now is it? But regardless, we've made it pretty easy to pick the right size for yourself. On each product page, there's a size guide that will list out all the measurements you need to make the right decision. Stay strong!

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